Tuesday 28 August 2012

Hummus Se Koi Kum Nahin

I've always thought Hummus was too... vanilla. At least for us Indians.
Hummus is just too plain. The kind that goes to school on time, is courteous to everyone, finishes all his homework, prays every night before going to sleep. In one word - Boring.

So last night I thought - why not make Ho-Hummus into something a little more badass?
So I did.
And I'm happy to say the results were... well, why don't you follow the recipe below and find out for yourself?

All you need is:

- 500 grams of chickpeas. 

- a 100 grams of peanuts

- Garlic - chopped roughly (the quantity depends on how much you love garlic. In my case it was two whole pods of that sexy bulb.    
  Yes, my wife isn't happy about this.)

- Raisins (large handful. If you have tiny hands- then two.)

- Dry Chilli (I used about about 4 of 'em. Depends on how much you can take.)

- A little Jaggery. About 50 gm. (or Honey - 2tbsp)

- Lotsa Olive Oil. Cooking grade for the frying and Extra Virgin for the dressing.

- Salt to taste

- Tahini paste - about 2tbsp. If you find it in a supermarket- great. If you dont - that's fine too.

Now all you have to do is pressure cook the chickpeas till they are just about squishy.
Pour some of the cooking grade olive oil in a pan and fry the garlic and raisins till crispy.

Now put all of it together in a blender and blend, blend, blend. I like it slightly chunky. To get a silky consistency what you could do is pass the paste through a seive.

Empty in a bowl. Create a shallow moat in the middle and pour in some of that beautiful extra virgin olive oil. Sprinkle a generous amount of fresh coriander and its done! Fried garlic slivers and raisin wouldn't be a bad idea too.

Goes really well with Naan.

Let me know how it turned out for you. Hope you like it as much as I did. 

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